


On Friday I've been here for four weeks. Today I got homesick. It was pretty hard to be honest. I spoke with my mother on Skype this morning and she told me it's gonna be a full house this weekend. all my sisters are coming with their families. This is the first time I'm not there. The feeling is so weird. I'm not used to it. Hang on a minute, they were all gathered at my niece's and my sister's birthdays. That wasn't at home though, for more than a day. I think. Well it's not the same anyway. It's also not just the fact they're all trying to fit in our house, it's also that they're not the only ones coming. other relatives (some I haven't seen for years) are also there. they are all going to the local pub on Friday (I think) and on Saturday they'll go to celebrate my grandmother's birthday. Where loads of relatives (some are distant) and old friends (obviously to grandma, but I know them as well, or knew) are. It feels so weird knowing I'm not going to be there. 
Talked with my sister this evening as well, about this. and she said that of course it's going to be hard, but just remember that you live your life in England now and even though you miss one or two gatherings, you will be there for 2000 more. and you'll probably get sick about that in the end.
She is right, I know she is, but I'm still not used to it. I'm not used with the feeling of being homesick, sure, I've always felt the need of going home. you all have times where you rather are at home than at the place you're currently at. But never this much. It not to the point that I want to go home for real, not even close, but it's enough to miss it all. to miss all you're used to, your normal days, your normal ways of doing things and the people around you. it's so weird. 
But knowing that after a Year, I'm gonna go back to Sweden, makes it so much easier. However, this is my home as well, and I'm going to miss this so much when this year is over, but I'll probably never going back the same way. From here I am 110% sure of it. In Sweden, not so much.
I don't know. It's all so weird.


AC said...

Du kan få vara med via skype om du vill. Matilda "var med" och klädde vår julgran ett år då hon bodde (och kändes sig ensam) i Stockholm. Och nästa sammankomst kommer du ju att vara med på, i augusti.
Vi saknar dig också. KRAM

tilda said...

hemlängtan är bara naturligt... det skulle nästan vara konstigare om du inte längtade hem alls! det FÅR vara lite jobbigt ibland... och om det är till nån tröst så tror jag nog att vem som helst av oss gärna skulle byta plats med dig. det du upplever där borta är ju bra mycket coolare än en grillkväll på stallgatan :P

Anonymous said...

Stay strong. :)
Oh, I'm MaryVicky01 on twitter, don't know if u remember me. Anyway, love your blog. :)