


I have always wanted to have English as my first language. To live in Britain from day one. but when |I'm finally  here I realize it's not what I want. at least not all of me. A Part of me, a big part, will always be grateful for having Swedish as my first language. You learn to love your language when you've been talking another constantly for a few weeks. It's always nice to got back to talk Swedish, to listen to Swedish music and watch films in Swedish. I will always Love the UK, and I still want to move here. But Sweden will always have a special place. and I am sure you will all feel the same way if you're away from your home country for a long amount of time, even though you say you hate it just because you've spent all your life in it. I'm starting to appreciate Sweden and Swedish and that make me happy.


Mamma said...

Härligt att du uppskattar Sverige också! Du kanske rent av längtar hem litegrann! Kram på dig!!

tilda said...

man är aldrig så svensk som när man är utomlands. helt plötsligt blir det superviktigt med svenska högtider och svensk mat osv, fast man aldrig brukar bry sig om sånt förr :P det är sånt jag läser om nu i sommar. kram !