


On Friday I've been here for four weeks. Today I got homesick. It was pretty hard to be honest. I spoke with my mother on Skype this morning and she told me it's gonna be a full house this weekend. all my sisters are coming with their families. This is the first time I'm not there. The feeling is so weird. I'm not used to it. Hang on a minute, they were all gathered at my niece's and my sister's birthdays. That wasn't at home though, for more than a day. I think. Well it's not the same anyway. It's also not just the fact they're all trying to fit in our house, it's also that they're not the only ones coming. other relatives (some I haven't seen for years) are also there. they are all going to the local pub on Friday (I think) and on Saturday they'll go to celebrate my grandmother's birthday. Where loads of relatives (some are distant) and old friends (obviously to grandma, but I know them as well, or knew) are. It feels so weird knowing I'm not going to be there. 
Talked with my sister this evening as well, about this. and she said that of course it's going to be hard, but just remember that you live your life in England now and even though you miss one or two gatherings, you will be there for 2000 more. and you'll probably get sick about that in the end.
She is right, I know she is, but I'm still not used to it. I'm not used with the feeling of being homesick, sure, I've always felt the need of going home. you all have times where you rather are at home than at the place you're currently at. But never this much. It not to the point that I want to go home for real, not even close, but it's enough to miss it all. to miss all you're used to, your normal days, your normal ways of doing things and the people around you. it's so weird. 
But knowing that after a Year, I'm gonna go back to Sweden, makes it so much easier. However, this is my home as well, and I'm going to miss this so much when this year is over, but I'll probably never going back the same way. From here I am 110% sure of it. In Sweden, not so much.
I don't know. It's all so weird.


Look who I met at Stonehenge

It didn't really turn out the way I had imagined it, and it felt weird doing it, but yeah, here's our project. I may re-do it sometime

A Week



I have always wanted to have English as my first language. To live in Britain from day one. but when |I'm finally  here I realize it's not what I want. at least not all of me. A Part of me, a big part, will always be grateful for having Swedish as my first language. You learn to love your language when you've been talking another constantly for a few weeks. It's always nice to got back to talk Swedish, to listen to Swedish music and watch films in Swedish. I will always Love the UK, and I still want to move here. But Sweden will always have a special place. and I am sure you will all feel the same way if you're away from your home country for a long amount of time, even though you say you hate it just because you've spent all your life in it. I'm starting to appreciate Sweden and Swedish and that make me happy.



We began the day with Subway second breakfast by the train station before we continued our trip. We stopped at the farm, a few miles from Crawley and about an hour from Eastbourne, to change car and to pick Caroline's mother up. I also got my Converse bag filled with stuff from Sweden. Including Marabou, Ahlgrens Bilar and O'Boy, Me, Caroline and Harry jumped out of joy. We drove for an hour again before we saw Stonehenge from far. it took a few minutes before we actually got inside the 'stone area', even though it was very cloudy and windy, there were loads of people there. Like I said, it was very windy that day so when it began to rain a little bit and I was taking my umbrella out of my bag, it broke.. like real bad.. that's the only thing I really hated about Stonehenge. My lovely Umbrella I got from Josse when she was in London. Gonna buy a new one when we go to London sometime next week. We walked around the Stonehenge and took loads of pictures, most of them for mine and Jesse's project (A project you'll hear more from in a few days). it was so epic. I loved it and we're going back sometime! The shop was crowded. it was way too small.. but it was cool.
After this visit we continued our trip  to Gillingham, Dorset, (In Wiltshire, where Malfoy Manor also is located for you PotterHeads out there, I didn't see it though) where Caroline's grandmother lives. We stayed there for quite a while, eating, talking and watching TV. There was this Children's program which should be banned. It was horrible, horrific and the scariest think I have ever seen. It was about Worms. (I shiver just to write the word).
Came home rather late, but we had a nice time! and Marabou! Here is SOME of the photos we took



We visited Brighton for a while last Saturday, to meet Harry's two older brothers Jack and Nicholas for a while. the boys built a Gingerbread house... yes you read right. it was rather... neat looking I suppose. fun to watch too. then they also ran around playing. they doesn't meet that ofter you see. 
when we were supposed to go home, we stopped in the city to go and see the Royal Pavilion. The king building the castle (I cannot remember the name) had been to India and was so inspired about the palaces there that he built one in England when he came home, apparently the inside is inspired from China, I wouldn't know, we weren't able to walk inside. we'd been talking about castles and stuff on the way, I think, and hope, that we're going to visit loads of them this summer. which is going to be wicked!
When we got home later that evening, Mel (a friend of Caroline), picked me up and drove me to their house where I was gonna babysit their little sleeping girl. Spent the evening watching television and eating pizza. Came home around half past one.

Jack, Nicholas and Harry
Some street art in Brighton
 The Royal Pavilion


End of an Era

Nina came over yesterday to spend the day with me and Harry, we played Mario, talked, Played Mario, Made food, Played Mario, Talked about Mario and played some more Mario. Tried to make him play with his trains with us but without any luck. Me and Nina didn't really play either, we watched and tried to get his attention on other things..

Later I got ready for THE Premiere. And 11 o'clock It was time to go. Yes I am aware that this is one hour before it began, but it was; one, no specific chairs, and two, so worth it. Made it more exciting, and I had to call for a taxi to come when the film ended. Later when it started and the Harry Potter Logo came up on the screen, I immediately teared up. and that was how it continued for the rest of the film. When the actual Battle came the tears began to roll down my cheeks. I can honestly say that if I had been drinking more water or something during the day, I would have drowned myself. The thing is that I don't think I JUST cried because of the event on screen, but just the bare thought it's the last film of the last book makes it too much to really handle. It's an end of an Era, It's the end of a very big part of my life. It's almost been 24 hours now, and it still haven't sunk in. I really have no words for what I think. it was incredible, but that's not enough. nothing can describe what I was feeling, what I am feeling. 

Mischief Managed



I made a little bit of a mistake in my last post. It's not £200 but £20 for the smallest tattoo. Just wanted to clear that up..
I'm soon off to the Cinema. It's gonna be sad, epic and sad.

My Skeleton will lie in the Cinema forever.


It is something

Yesterday I met Nina in the city. We had so much fun! Walked into stores, secondhand and normal ones, talked, laughed, found our tattoo studio (minimum prize £200 (around 2000 Swedish kr) and planned what things we have to do these months. Yes our day off sure was successful! the Fish & Chips we had sucked though.

Today was my first real working day. Harry has been home with me all day. We've played Super Mario Galaxy, Watched Skrek, Played Super Mario Galaxy, watched some super Mario Galaxy videos on Youtube and... Played Super Mario Galaxy... It's hard to get him to do anything else.. and I'm growing tired of Mario, oh well, at least he's happy, that's all that counts yes?
Tomorrow Nina comes over for a bit to feed us (hehe), and later that night I'm crying my eyes out to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 (like I've said loads of times before (I never really grow tired of reminding you all of it)) and on Friday I'm taking Harry to Subway to eat, cause I know I'm gonna be waay too tired to cook something.

So yeah... that was all.


Next Few days

So, here is this week's little scheme

Monday(today) : Nothing in particular. Mostly a resting day. sat in the sofa with the computer and watched some films while Caroline and Roshan was out and Harry was in School. Went with Rosh and Caroline to pick Harry up, and then we played Super Mario Galaxy 2. I think I've been sleep walking all day today.
Tuesday(tomorrow): Gonna spend the day with Nina, we're gonna go shopping and then try get to the top of Beachy Head or something. I have no doubt our day will be a blast.
Wednesday: First real working day. Gonna pick Harry up from school and then spend the day with him until Caroline and Roshan comes home in the evening.
Thursday: Spending the day with Harry again... 00.15(British time) I'll be watching the final Harry Potter film while crying my eyes out.
Friday: coming home from the cinema at 2 - 3 am. taking care of Harry from 08.30 to 18.00. Yes, it's gonna be a tiring day, but it's gonna be worth it, and I have only myself to blame.
Saturday: Nothing really planned during the day, probably try sleeping as much as I can, in the evening I'm babysitting a family friend's daughter, who probably will be asleep for the whole night, so it's gonna be an relaxing day, Gonna enjoy that!
Sunday: Going to Caroline's grandmother, and on the way there we're gonna stop to see the Stonehenge. Super excited about that! It's gonna be so wicked.

So that's my week. keep hanging in for more adventures.

Last Few Days

Last Friday I met Nina for the first time. We took a trip to the mall to buy some things and just to, you know, hang out. She is also an Au Pair from Sweden and we've been mailing a little bit a short time before I came. We didn't have one silent moment and it was loads of fun. But it was the evening the most fun started. We met in the city and went to a pub for a drink... or two... to start with... We took a trip to another pub close by (but with much more people) and ordered a 'Sex on the Beach' Each. we obviously thought we would only get a glass each, but we got one pitch full each... We laughed about it for almost an hour. Later Nina's friend Chris came and we spent the rest of the evening talking and laughing with him. 

Saturday; Harry's best friend came over with her mother and little brother. they stayed the day and left the house in a mess. Later Caroline and Roshan went out so I could have Harry for myself for a few hours. It was really fun, Watched a film or two, ran around in the garden chasing each other, made a few pages in his 'learn-how-to-write'-book and tried to play the Mario Theme Song on the Keyboard. 

Yesterday we went out camping over the day. Harry got a little blue tent, we had a big beach tent, we made a fire, ate some food and enjoyed the nature in the 'Forest'. The road to the place was incredibly beautiful. Just how I've imagined the country side here in England. I was in heaven. When we'd been there for a few hours we continued our trip to walk a few miles by a river and to the Sea. that was beautiful as well and I'm gonna share a few photos. Enjoy. (They are not in Order.)


World Premiere Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 Red Carpet Event

Here it goes, time to tell you all about my Day in London Yesterday (well, the day before yesterday, just think I wrote this yesterday). the day before Yesterday we heard on the radio that because there were so many people wanting to go to the Red Carpet event, they made 8000 wristbands they gave out to people. They said it was only like 500 wristbands left, and my heart sank like a stone at the thought I wasn't going to get in there. Then my friend Jesse (from Holland, who happened to be in London for two half days) texted me and told me that I had to have a Wristband and then how many I wanted. I got so surprised, and so happy. I said four, one for me, two for Natalie (Caroline's sister) and her boyfriend and one for him. I smiled for the rest of the day!

This happened on the way to Caroline's parents, 'cause we were taking Natalie and Tom with us home. But before we went home we had dinner in a cosy English pub in a village, it got pretty late, so when we drove home I had to have Harry in my lap while he was sleeping. such a sweetie. Anyway, when we got back to Eastbourne, me and Natalie started with our banner. By the time of two o'clock in the morning, we had finished Fawkes, the Deathly Hallows symbol and the Snitch. then Natalie went to bed and I continued with Snape's patronus. I finished it 3.15 in the morning.

Woke up happy and excited at 8 o'clock (like I've been doing since I got here) and ran down the stairs to finish the Banner. I made Hedwig and ran upstairs to pack my things. when it was about ten minutes left before we had to drive to the train, the right upper corner was still empty, so we hurried to write Harry Potter. After that we ran to the train and finally arrived in London.

Took a while before we found Jesse though, we happened to wait at different McDonalds. A bit of a failer. yes well, when we found him we took something to eat before we made our way to the tube and then to Trafalgar Squre where we stood in line for an hour before we had to go  back all the way and all around a house so that we were in front on the stage instead of backstage like before. We finally got in because of our Wristbands and then all we had to to was wait, the time was around two I think. We had a nice and fun time while waiting, even though our feet started to hurt from standing. the time got 16.15 when something finally happened. 

A car with a familiar face drove past us, and after a while that face came up at the big screen. It was Ruert Grint! the crowd had gone even more crazy than it had when they played the Harry Potter Trailer, well, yeah, that's rather obvious isn't it? 

Rupert Grint (Aka Ron Weasley)

Suddenly the people around us went crazy when the Phelps twins made their way up towards us. they stayed for a while to give autographs and photos. got really close!

James and Oliver Phelps (aka Fred and George Weasley)

When I looked up at the Big screen I saw a very familiar face. My favorite actor Mr. Tom Felton himself. Sadly they were to far away and the crowd was cheering so loud I couldn't hear anything they said, but he was there!

Tom Felton (Aka Draco Malfoy)

Helena Bonham Carter (aka Bellatrix Lastrange)

By this time most of the big actors from the Harry Potter movies had arrived and had their interview on the stage. The crowd went mad when a special car with the windows down, drove past us. can you guess who sat in that special car? that's right, Miss Emma Watson!

Shefaldi Chowdhury (aka the Patil Twins)

after a while of cars driving past and some of the kids walked past us, He came. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you, Harry Potter himself, Mr Daniel Radcliffe. The crowd went absolutely crazy.

Daniel Radcliffe (aka Harry Potter)

Not long after Daniel's arrival our favourite Queen arrived. JK Rowling is at the Square and every single  person was screaming. not long after Queen Rowling stepped out of the car and up on stage, the actors started to walk past us to go into the theater. 

Josh Herdman (aka Gregory Goyle)

Ralph Fiennes (aka Lord Voldemort)

Domhnall Gleeson (aka Bill Weasley)

Jessie Cave (aka Lavender Brown)

Devon Murray (aka Seamus Finnigan)

Suddenly I saw my man from far away. he came closer and closer and my heart started to beat so much more. I can honestly say I started to cry a bit. I am not ashamed at all. why should I be? I stood less than two meters away from our favourite Slytherin and my favourite actor of all time. He who is a big part of who I am today. yes I know I sound incredibly stupid. I couldn't care less of what you think.  

Tom Felton (aka Draco Malfoy)

You can also see Alfie Enoch (Dean Thomas) and Mark Williams in the background.

Mark Williams (aka Arthur Weasley)

Rupert Grint (aka Ron Weasley)

Imelda Staunton ( aka Dolores Umbridge)

Sadly, the prince himself didn't come over to us. He only waved, but that was fine. I'll live.

Alan Rickman (aka Severus Snape)

Natalia Tena (aka Nymphadora Tonks)

Darren Criss and Joe Walker 

The five most important people responsible for the magic got on stage to have their speeches. As we didn't have the best places at the place, we couldn't hear all they said. But we had pretty decent view of the big screen, so when they started to cry, we did as well. so beautiful. 

"The Big Five"

JK Rowling 
(if you don't know who this is you're stupid
(two standing close to us didn't know. idiots. ))

Then we had to leave if we were to catch our train. but on the way out we spotted her up close. 

JK Rowling

And we saw Rupert one more time, he signed some things, gave some hugs and got in the car. and that's the end of our evening. 

Rupert Grint (aka Ron Weasley)

Me outside and behind stage. 
where we stood in line before we got in (obviously)

Big Ben (Aka Big Ben)

Red Telephone box

It's impossible to tell you how it was, it's impossible to explain the feeling I had. It was magical, incredible and unbelievable. I can't for my life understand I was there. we stood up for more than six hours, and my legs got so sore I could barley walk. it all went by so fast. way too fast actually. 

Obviously there's loads of people who didn't come close enough for a good Photo. Like, Robbie Coltrane (Hagrid), Louis Cordice (Blaise Zabini), Helen McCory (Narcissa Malfoy), Clemence Poesy (Flour Delacour), Bonnie Wright (Ginny Weasley), Julie Walters (Molly Weasley), Emma Watson (Hermione Granger), Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter), Timothy Spall (Wormtail), Alfie Enoch (Dean Thomas), Warwick Davies (Flitwick and Griphook), David Bradley (Argus Filch), Matthew Levis (Neville Longbottom), Michael Gambon (Albus Dumbledore), Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood), Tom, Danny and Dougie from McFly, the SuperNanny and loads of other people I can't remember the name on.

Also there were a few people I know was there, but I didn't see at all, like Jason Isaacs(Lucius Malfoy), Maggie Smith (Professsor Minerva McGonagall), the other kids (don't know the names)... I can't come up with someone more. 

I had the most amazing time of my life, It surely was the best day of my life. and none of it would have happened if it weren't for Jesse. The closer I got to London I got more and more nervous at meeting him. I was shaking. but when I saw him almost all of that nervousness disappeared and I gave him like the biggest hug ever. I was a bit sad when he had to leave at five past five for his train though, But I had so much fun meeting him and I hope, and think, I didn't destroy his day too much (he's not a very big fan of Harry Potter). We both hope we'll meet again (at least I do) soon. 

Thank you Jesse for making my day wonderful. 

I own you so much.