It's 19 hours left. It feel so unreal. I cannot understand how lucky I am right now! I'll finally meet what will become my family for a year. I will have the chance to start all over. to meet new people and have the best time of my life! I am so scared, I'm bloody terrified! but isn't that a part of growing up? Isn't it good to feel that free? to let most of you go and for the new you to start growing again? But for the better. I'm mostly excited for what this year will bring, for what I'll learn and what wonderful people I'll meet. I had no Idea I would have to courage to actually do this. I still can't belive it's there. But I've found it. finally, after all this time I finally have the courage to do something away from my usual rutine.
This is going to be the last night I'll sleep in this bed for a really long time. I'm taking it all in. I'm looking at my DVDs with great sadness, but yet a relief. I'm not gonna see them for a while, but I'm gonna have the freedom to fill another shelf with those beauties. I'm gonna miss my HP books. but I'm surely gonna buy them (or some other great books) down there. It's gonna feel empty on my walls in the beginning, none of my Britain posters, UK paintings or HP stuff will fill them, but that doesn't mean I won't find new things to put on the walls when I get there.
It will all feel so empty to begin with, but as time goes by, I will find all these new things. Those empty places won't be empty anymore. New friends, new places and new things to put on my walls. Long story short, It's a new beginning. a new adventure. and I'm going to enjoy every single moment of it.